Friday, September 10, 2010

Swissy French Green Beans

My daughter loves the traditional green bean casserole, which I will post later in her honor. This one is different but just as good, I think.

1 can French-style green beans, drained
1/2 c. chopped onion (I used a 1/2 t. of minced from a jar)
1 T. margarine
2 oz. Swiss cheese
1/2 c. sour cream
3/4 c. bread crumbs

Saute onions in margarine. Melt in swiss cheese. Remove from heat and add sour cream. Add in green beans, gently. Place in casserole and top with bread crumbs. Baks 30 minutes at 450°.

Okay, maybe not AS good as the other green bean casserole, but close.

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